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Saturday, 22 February 2025

Supporters and Partners

In December 2020, Consumers’ Organization of Macedonia Skopje (COM), Centre for Consumer Protection (CEZAP) and National Consumer Organization of Serbia (NOPS) started the project: „ Developing Civil Society partnership with business: Service driven model for mobilisation of financial sources“, funded by Balkan Civil Society Development Network Skopje (BCSDN Skopje).

The project will last until end of October 2021. The main project outcome is to build capacities of the regional network to promote and implement an innovative model of certification of the companies, after fulfilling the certain criteria in 6 areas to become recognised as a Consumers’ friendly companies. The certification and a register of certified companies in 3 countries would offer added visibility to companies that are investing in consumer and environmentally friendly behavior. At the regional level we expect that the project will support developing a consumer-friendly certificate scheme and mechanism for handling consumer complaints, improve consumers’ confidence, built capacities of the businesses to become more consumer friendly and increased contribution to public policies for consumers‘ and environmental protection.

This web site is prepared within the Project “Protecting Civic Space – Regional Civil Society Development Hub” financed by SIDA and implemented by BCSDN” “The content of this document and information and views presented do not represent the official position and opinion of SIDA and BCSDN. Responsibility for the information and views expressed in this document lies entirely with the author(s).






The establishment of the Consumer Organizations Network South East Europe (ConWeb) was supported by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Open Regional Fund for South East Europe-Modernisation of Municipal Services. In the period preceding the establishment of ConWeb support was also provided for implementation of two regional projects where the current three ConWeb members were beneficiaries: 1. Strengthening of consumer organizations for better municipal services in South East Europe; and 2. Regional model for smart reporting system in municipal services for citizens.

Currently Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Open Regional Fund for South East Europe-Legal Reform supports formalisation, strengthening and promotion of the ConWeb Network and implementation of a regional project “Development of collective redress for consumers in South East Europe”. The project is jointly implemented by the ConWeb Network and South East European Law School Network (SEELS) as regional partners, and the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) as international partner.

The project are supported by:

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